These courses are hands-on, on-site, instructor led training that are specific to your facility.
CPR Education Services For:
*Healthcare Workers *Child Care Workers *Parents *Nurses & Nursing Students *Security Officers *Grandparents *Medical Offices *Hotel Staff *New Parents *Dental Offices *Construction Staff *Teenagers *Emergency Personnel *Public Access Businesses *Teachers *First Aide Providers *Life Guards *School Staff *Law Enforcement *Amusement Park Staff *Movie Theater Staff
Basic First Aid:
First Aid For Pediatrics - For the DayCare Worker, Camp Counselor, Nanny's & Baby sitters
First Responder - A more advanced class for workers that are part of their Co's E.R.T. team,
or for the person who needs it for job placement. (ASHI Certified)
First Aid for Seniors - The Geriatric Patient needs special care and if you are a caregiver of
a special needs senior then this class is for you.
Who is covered by OSHA's HAZWOPER standard?
The Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER)
applies to five distinct groups of employers and their employees. This includes any
employees who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances -- including
hazardous waste -- and who are engaged in one of the following operations as specified by
1910.120(a)(1)(i-v) and 1926.65(a)(1)(i-v):
* clean-up operations -- required by a governmental body, whether federal, state, local, or
other involving hazardous substances -- that are conducted at uncontrolled hazardous waste
* corrective actions involving clean-up operations at sites covered by the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA) as amended (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.);
* voluntary clean-up operations at sites recognized by federal, state, local, or other
governmental body as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites;
* operations involving hazardous wastes that are conducted at treatment, storage, and
disposal facilities regulated by Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 264 and 265
pursuant to RCRA, or by agencies under agreement with U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency to implement RCRA regulations; and
* emergency response operations for releases of, or substantial threats of release of,
hazardous substances regardless of the location of the hazard.

This 40-hour course will address health and safety issues relative to general site workers
who have the potential for exposure to hazardous substances at or above and established
PEL, TLV or REL. This training course will consist of lectures, demonstrations, practice
sessions and hands-on exercises to provide the attendees with an opportunity to practice
the techniques and skills learned; and handle and use the equipment described and
demonstrated in the classroom. Course will conclude with a 100 question multiple choice
examination and two performance oriented tests.
This 24-hour course will address health and safety issues relative to occasional site
workers and visitors having no potential for exposure to site hazards above an
established exposure limit. Course will consist of lectures, demonstrations, practice
sessions, and hands-on exercises to provide the participants with an opportunity to
become familiar with the skills and equipment described and demonstrated in the
classroom. Course will conclude with a 75 question multiple choice examination and
several performance tests.
This 8-hour refresher will review important materials deemed relevant by the standard.
Course will consist of lectures, demonstrations, practice sessions and group exercises to
utilize the skills and equipment described in the classroom. Course will conclude with a
50 question multiple choice examination.

One of the most frequently cited OSHA standards is the Hazard Communication Standard
(Haz-Com) 29 CFR 1910.1200. There are several items required of the employer in this
standard. Some of which are: written program, MSDS's, list of chemicals, training the
employee on how to protect themselves.
This training is designed to provide a basic understanding of bloodborne pathogens,
common modes of their transmission, methods of prevention, and other pertinent
information. A copy of the BOL's Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Program is
available upon request from BOL H&S at 210.382.LIFE. This program is designed to meet
the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's)
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1030.
If you can reasonably anticipate facing contact with blood and/or other potentially infectious
materials as part of your job duties, you should receive additional training from your
instructor or supervisor including an opportunity for interactive questions and answers. You
should also read this summary of OSHA's bloodborne pathogen standard to familarize

Confined Space Awareness.
Participants who have completed this course will be able to:
List the procedures for safe entry and working in confined spaces &
Describe the steps involved in a basic rescue from a confined space
Who should attend?
Managers, supervisors and safety officers who need to establish a safe system of
operation for confined space work, but do not enter themselves.
4 Hours
Course Content:
The guidelines on working in confined spaces
Confines space hazards
Entry permits
Entry procedures
Atmospheric testing equipment
Rescue equipment
Breathing Apparatus
Steps involved in basic rescue

Respiratory Protection – 29CFR 1910.134
OSHA mandates that employers develop and implement a written respiratory protection
program for employees required to wear respiratory protection. This must include
employee training, and a written plan including procedures for selecting respirators,
medical evaluations of employees, procedures for fit testing, and procedures for proper
usage and maintenance of respirators. BOL Health & Safety can provide assistance in
meeting OSHA’s respiratory protection requirements through training, and conducting fit
Training Includes:
* Approx. course length 3 to 5 hours
* Approx. 2 hours of classroom training for up to 20 students
* Qualitative Fit Testing* for approx. 20 students over a 5 hour period
* Training Materials, Written Exam, Certificates of completion
* Class tailored to meet the specific needs of the client
*Each employee must have documentation of medical evaluation, employers must have a
respiratory protection program in place that meets the requirements of the OSHA standard,
and employees wearing respirator may not have facial hair.
Forklift Training
Time: 2 Hours
- Forklift training in done on-site and the forklift needs to be available. According to
OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178, all employees who operate a Powered Industrial Truck
must be trained and certified prior to operation. BOL will train the students in the
skills needed to safely operate a standard gas, propane or electric forklift. An
obstacle course is used at the end of this lesson.
- Regulatory requirements
- Principals of the forklift truck
- General safety and proper operation techniques
- Inspection and maintenance
- Fueling/Charging procedures
- Hands-on practice
Learn about the heart

BOL Provides OSHA / DOT Compliance - Training - Consulting
CPR - All Levels - (29 CFR 1910.151 & 266) - ONLINE & ON SITE
First Aid - (1910.151) - Basic to First Responder
Bloodborne Pathogens - (1910.1030)
HAZCOM - (1910.1200) ONLINE & ON SITE
HAZWOPER - (1910.120) - 8, 24, & 40 hour courses ONLINE & ON SITE
Confined Space Awareness - (1910.146) ONLINE & ON SITE
First Aid For Events - We will provide emergency first aid coverage for any and
all events, no matter what the size. We will provide all the equipment you just
provide a place for us.
Confined Space Rescue Standby - BOL will provide CSRS team
Back Safety - (29 CFR 1903.1)
Eye Safety - (1910.133)
Hearing Conservation - (1910.95)
Lock Out Tag Out - (1910.147)
Ladder Safety - 1926.1053
Air Monitoring - IAQ
Fire Extinguisher& Fire Safety -1926.150
Respiratory Fit Testing (1910.136)
Asbestos Awareness - (1910.1001/1926.1101)
Emergency Action Plans - (1910.38)
Forklifts - (1910.178) ONLINE & ON SITE
DOT Services
Drug & Alcohol Collections
Pre-Employment Background Checks
Other Services:
Personal Fitness Assessments
Nutritional Assessments
Fire Safety Inspections
Fire Extinguisher Service

TRAINING Online or On-site
Breath Of Life H&S Offers the following online AHA CPR classes:
Each student has two options:
1. Go to AHA's website and purchase an online
class/key. Then pay the testing center for the skills
test OR
2. Purchase the AHA online class/key and skills test
together from us Breath Of Life H&S
Contact us for details, or on the home page pay with
PAYPAL online classes vary in prices.
Online classes are great and convenient. You care
take the class in the comforts of your home at a
slower pace. Then come in after you’re finished for a
short skills practice and test. THAT'S IT, EASY!
Skills Sessions
About Skills Sessions, Parts 2 & 3
A skills session is the hands-on portion of an AHA
eLearning course and includes Parts 2 and 3 — skills
practice and testing. It is conducted in-person after a
student completes Part 1 online.
Students — Print your Certificate
After you complete an OnlineAHA course you can print
your certificate.
1. Log in to your OnlineAHA account
2. Click My Courses
3. Select Print Certificate under your Completed\Courses